Learning to use a bunch of new stuff- a set of White Lightning strobes, Nikon n90s, Bronica ETRSI, Minolta Flash Meter IV, and backdrop. The limitations of the OM-2 and the GA-645 were starting to feel really obvious at the Koenigsberg shoot, so I sold them and bought this stuff. Lots of very promising results. Here's Andrea, bassist and fellow boat-musician. She's good.
BTW: I'm totally amazed at how well this roll came out. I had the Bronica loaded with this long-discontinued 25asa Agfa film, which I proceeded to expose (accidentally) at 400. A 4-stop push, which no manufacturer bothers to give a deveoping time for, it's so totally off the map. So I just guessed and let it go for 20 minutes or so, and they came out looking really nice- fine grained, lots of shadow detail, nice tonality. The only thing I can find wrong with it is that frame number from the paper back which somehow got transfered onto the image.