Here's a loop that be real useful to a lot of people, sampled from Soulful Brothers, from Kenny Burrell's record Blues - The Common Ground. The drummer is Grady Tate, and he's playing a shuffle in the manner we previously saw with the tune Midnight Special, as played by Tate, and by Donald Bailey, with Jimmy Smith, with the hihat on all the swing &s.
The form is 12 bar blues, the tempo is about 72 beats a minute. Practice all your swing stuff with this, not just the shuffles. It's supposed to groove that hard no matter what you play.
Great groove!
Hadn't heard this recording before.
Grady Tate obviously wasn't on my radar enough.
But now he is!
Sounds like 12/8 pattern in places with a extra division on the triplet one trip and ah let
Oh he's great-- and there are some interesting pedigree with this beat, between Jimmy Smith and Donald Bailey, and Billy Hart, who also plays it on the record with Bobby Hutcherson and Joey De Francesco-- I just saw this quote from Hart:
"I had seen Jimmy’s previous drummer, Donald Bailey, and he was one of my mentors. Donald Bailey — they called him “Duck.” And Donald was so innovative — he developed a polyrhythmic style similar to Elvin Jones, simultaneously. But when he played it with Jimmy Smith, a lot of pop drummers imitated Donald and some of that style of drumming is still being played until this day. Do you know Bernard Purdie? He sort of comes from Donald Bailey."
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