Friday, May 14, 2021

Linear 8ths in 9/8 - 01

This is how it is, I get busy teaching, doing my taxes, preoccupied with other stuff, and not able to hit the drums for a week, and everything dries up. No ideas and I feel like a fraud. Then I sit down once and everything clicks, and it's hard not to stop to write things down. I'm just working on my stuff, I'm not trying to write more drum crap. 

This is similar to this recent page of double paradiddle / paradiddle-diddle inversions, voiced on the snare drum and bass drum. I use that page a lot in my own practicing, and wanted to extend the idea a little further. Here we're doing the same idea in 3 [9/8 = "triplet feel" in 3, yes?], mostly alternating, with one double. 1-9 have the double on the snare drum, 10-18 have the double on the bass drum. 

Use these however you like, I'm mostly doing them with a jazz waltz cymbal and hihat rhythm. You could also add cymbal in unison with the snare drum part, or in unison with the bass drum part. The real animals can add one of my quasi-Afro/Cuban cymbal rhythms in 9/8. Start with this one if you're going to try that.  

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