Updating this page as my purposes with it have evolved, into an endurance drill. I've made it harder, with larger changes from measure to measure, with an eye on how it progresses playing through it two beats at a time.
This is a good long term project, you can work this up to about quarter note = 238. The Chasin' The Trane tempo. You'll get there quicker using the previous page.
Play whatever hihat rhythm you want. This whole mess could be done substituting the hihat for the bass drum— for me that is a separate mission. It's too much to do all together, and the hihat will bog you down.
In case I didn't give you enough practice options, I was also playing it in 4 by repeating the middle beat. So this written measure:
Is played like this:
Another thing to trick you into doing this longer, which is the whole point, do it for a long time.
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